Who We Help

Who We Help

Anawim helps those who want to be helped. We are a clean house (free from drugs and alcohol) that provides for those basic needs to which every individual is entitled. What we provide, above all, is a safe home people can come to and feel like they are a part of something. We do our best to provide a feeling of family.

Anawim encourages personal growth, attending a twelve step program, seeking professional help, education or returning to the work force. We also go out as a family on outings; bowling, golf, hiking, swimming or for something as simple as just going out for ice cream. Anawim shows people how to live in a loving, caring, spiritual environment.

Anawim House is an adult only facility. We offer an outreach day program where those in need of companionship and sharing can drop by 6 days a week. We also provide a well-rounded residential program through which residents are encouraged to seek to change their self defeating behaviors, achieve 30 days of sobriety, and treat others with kindness and respect.

The Day Program

The Residential Program